Why does Heroku Connect require an organization permission?


Your Heroku Connect add-on is showing you an error message that looks like:

Error result: FeatureNotEnabled Bulk queryAll operations requires an org permission


Salesforce rolls features out to organizations after new major releases (e.g., Winter '18, Spring '18, etc.). These features, however, are not always rolled out immediately to sandbox organizations. You may have to do one of the following in order to gain access to these features:

  1. Perform a sandbox refresh. This should update your sandbox organization to match the features of your production organization.
  2. Request the appropriate permission change from an organization administrator for your integration user. (A Google search will often reveal if this is an option.)
  3. File a support ticket directly with Salesforce support to enable the permission that is blocking access to the feature. (Note: Heroku support does not have the access, nor authority, to enable these on your behalf.)

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