You'd like to view usage for your Enterprise Team but the Usage tab in your Dashboard does not display the expected results.
Heroku Enterprise customers can view their monthly usage in an exported CSV document. Current Enterprise usage can be reviewed on the Enterprise Account level, as well as for any Heroku Teams within the Enterprise Account. Additionally, you can download a "Monthly Team Usage" report with the following content:
- account name
- team name
- app name
- month (displays as yyyy-mm)
- dyno units used
- connect rows synced (Heroku Connect)
- data add-on usage
- third party add-on usage
- third party add-on and data usage (combined)
- spaces (Heroku Spaces)
Locating CSV reports
For Enterprise Accounts, locate these in the top-level account view in your Dashboard.
For Enterprise Teams, navigate to each Team view in your Dashboard.
Downloading reports
- Enterprise Account (top-level) > Usage > Downloadable Usage
- OR Enterprise Account > Select the correct Heroku Team > Usage > Downloadable Usage
- Select the desired month and Download CSV.
You may also request a custom report of a maximum of 31 days. Custom daily usage reports have a maximum report length of 31 days, comprised of the previous 6 months of data.