How do I delete a PushTopic in Salesforce?


In your Heroku Connect logs, you see the error Could not delete PushTopic hc_XXXX for object-name after you disable the Accelerated Polling feature for a mapping, or delete a mapping that has the Accelerated Polling feature enabled.


Mappings with the Accelerated Polling feature use the Salesforce Streaming API. Internally, we create PushTopic sObjects in Salesforce that configure the data that the Streaming API returns. When you disable the Accelerated Polling feature on a mapping or delete a mapping that has the Accelerated Polling feature enabled, Heroku Connect will attempt to delete the corresponding PushTopic object.

If the deletion fails, you'll see the error Could not delete PushTopic hc_XXXX for object-name in your Heroku Connect logs. This may happen when the object has many records that are changing in Salesforce at around the time that we attempt to delete the PushTopic.

Heroku Connect will not attempt to delete your PushTopic after this point. Because the number of PushTopics allowed in Salesforce is limited, you should attempt to delete the PushTopic by:

  • Reducing the changes being made to the object in Salesforce, if possible, and then
  • Using a tool such as Workbench, the Developer Console, or your own direct API requests to delete the PushTopic. The SOQL query to locate the PushTopic is SELECT Id FROM PushTopic WHERE Name='hc_XXXX'. It is not possible to delete PushTopics using the Salesforce UI.

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