Cannot create one-off Shield dyno after upgrading Mac to Ventura


You are trying to create a one-off dyno in a Shield space and are getting an error after upgrading to Mac OS Ventura.

CLIError: There was a problem connecting to the dyno.
Confirm that your ssh key is added to your agent by running `ssh-add`.
Check that your ssh key has been uploaded to heroku with `heroku keys:add`.


Mac OS Ventura utilizes the recent update of OpenSSH 9 which disables RSA signatures using the SHA-1 hash algorithm.
You will need to generate new keys with a more secure algorithm such as ED25519 or ECDSA.
Run ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
And then run heroku keys:add and select the file.

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