What should I do if I'm locked out of my Heroku account?


You're unable to log into your Heroku account.


Non-Enterprise Customers

If you have lost your MFA device or are receiving "Account Not Found" when trying to log in, please email support@heroku.com from your Heroku username.

Forgotten Password: reset your password.

Lost access to the email address associated with your Heroku account: Heroku cannot help you obtain access to your Heroku account if you do not have access to the email address for your account. Please contact your IT department or email provider if you have lost access to your email address.

Enterprise customers

To regain access to your account after losing an MFA device, please reach out to the admin of the Enterprise account, they should be able to generate and share a temporary token via email from the access tab (edit/pen icon next to the user --> Send MFA Recovery Token button) of the Enterprise account. This token is one time usable and will be valid for 24 hours.

Admins without MFA will not see this feature on the Dashboard.

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