Will I be charged for a Private Space after my Enterprise contract ends?


Your Heroku Enterprise contract has expired. You'd like to know if your Private Space(s) will still generate charges.


Your Heroku Team will be invoiced on a monthly basis for all Private Spaces provisioned. Invoices are charged against the credit card on file. All charges for Private Spaces will appear under the header Space Details in the Team invoice. Please use the screenshot below as a reference of where to locate costs.


Contract expiration & existing Spaces

Heroku will not delete your Private Spaces once your contract expires. To destroy a Private Space, we recommend the following Dev Center article to guide you through the process: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/private-spaces#destroy-a-private-space

Additional resources

For more information regarding Private Spaces costs, please view our pricing information below:

To learn more about the next steps after your Heroku contract expires, please refer to the following documentation: https://help.heroku.com/7WJISJVU/what-needs-to-be-done-when-my-heroku-enterprise-contract-end

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