How do I configure who receives invoice emails from Heroku?


You would like a specific email address to receive invoices or billing-related emails.


Emails are handled differently for Heroku Personal accounts and Heroku Teams.

Personal accounts

For Personal Heroku Accounts, invoices will be sent to the main email address listed. You can change your email address by visiting: Account Settings > Profile > Email Address and updating the email address field. However, this change will take effect on the entire Heroku account, not just for billing emails.

Heroku Teams

For Heroku Teams anyone with the role of Admin will receive billing-related emails.

Admins will receive emails; members and collaborators will not. You can view who the Admins are by following the instructions below:

  • Select Personal from the left side of the Dashboard
  • Select the Heroku Team you'd like to learn more about
  • Once on the correct Heroku Team, select the Access tab

To edit who receives invoices for a Heroku Team, make edits as needed to the roles of the Heroku Team in the Access tab

Heroku Enterprise Teams

For Heroku Enterprise accounts, please contact your SFDC Account Executive for questions regarding invoices.

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