Where do I go for further information on continuing to use my Nightscout service?

Heroku is supportive of the Nightscout Foundation's mission. We have partnered with them to identify the following endorsed ways of hosting and running the software going forward:

  • Heroku - You can absolutely continue to use Heroku as you have been, we'd love for you to remain a customer! However, you must upgrade to a paid plan to maintain service past November 28th.
  • T1Pal - A managed Nightscout service
  • ns.10be.de - A managed Nightscout service particularly suited for European users

For guidance and updates from the broader Nightscout community, we suggest visiting the community-maintained Facebook group CGM in the Cloud.

See our blog post and the Removal of Heroku Free Product Plans FAQ for more info related to the ending of free plans.

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