How to rollback my Heroku PostgreSQL database that Heroku Connect synchronizes to?


An application uses Heroku Connect to synchronize data with Salesforce. I found some issues in my read-write mappings and I want to roll back my Heroku PostgreSQL database. Can I use the Heroku PostgreSQL rollback or pg_restore function?


No. Heroku Connect does not support rollbacks of the databases it is configured to use for synchronization.

Heroku Connect tracks high water marks for mappings. As a result, all of your objects would be in an undefined, out-of-synchronization state that would be impossible for Connect to catch up with (as the follower changeover would be transparent to us). To force yourself out of this state, you would lose any data in PostgreSQL that still needs to be written to Salesforce. This is because you need to reload your mappings which would destroy any pending writes in your trigger log to Salesforce for that mapping.

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