How can I obtain a receipt for a Heroku invoice payment?


You'd like a copy of a recent payment you've made to Heroku for a monthly invoice.


Heroku's billing team will be happy to provide a copy of a payment receipt for a recently paid invoice. In order for us to provide this information to you, we request that you provide to the following information as part of your support inquiry:

  • Please specify if this is for your Personal Heroku account or your Heroku Team
    • In cases of Teams, you must be an admin to request receipts
  • The month and year that the invoice was generated for in your account
  • The amount of the invoice

Once we receive this information, if it's a match to the information in our system, we'll provide you with a PDF version of the proof of payment.

Heroku Enterprise customers

All questions regarding billing or usage of Heroku in an Enterprise capacity can be addressed directly with your Salesforce Account Executive and/or the Salesforce finance/accounting team by contacting

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