What logging service can be used to drain Private Space Logging for Shield Private Space?


I'm looking to drain Private Space Logging from my Shield Private Space. Which logging services can I use?


Private Space Logging logs are syslog formatted requests that are sent as HTTPS POST requests. Any service that is compatible with this format and delivery method can be used as a log drain destination.

In addition to Splunk, Sumo Logic, LogDNA, and customer managed log-iss app listed in the Dev Center article, we are aware of the following services can/cannot be used as a log drain for Private Space Logging as of writing this article:

  • Logentries: compatible with Private Space Logging, however, logs maybe lost while volume is high. This service is fully compatible with Heroku as an add-on to drain logs from Common Runtime apps and non-Shield Private Space apps.
  • Papertrail: not compatible with Private Space Logging as it only accepts logs through syslog(+tls) protocol. This service is fully compatible with Heroku as an add-on to drain logs from Common Runtime apps and non-Shield Private Space apps.

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