You've been accepted to the Heroku for GitHub Students program and are curious as to why the bulk total of $156 USD in credits does not show in your personal Heroku account.
The Heroku for GitHub Students program is a 12-month program that grants $156 USD worth of credits to your personal Heroku account at the start of that period. The date that your platform credits begin is based on the date that you were accepted to the program.
Once your application is approved and the $156 USD worth of credits are applied to your account, $13 will be deducted each month from your pool of credits regardless of whether or not you are running an app that uses a Heroku product.
Example 1
- You've applied to the Heroku for GitHub Students program in January and have been approved for the program
- You see that $156 USD in platform credits is available in your personal Heroku account under Account Settings > Billing > Platform Credits
- During the months of January, March, and April, you haven't launched any applications; therefore no Heroku products are running in your personal Heroku account
- You check your platform credits in April and see that $117 USD in platform credits are remaining
Example 2
- You've applied to the GitHub Developer Program in January and have been approved for the program.
- You see that $156 USD in platform credits is available in your personal Heroku account under Account Settings > Billing > Platform Credits
- During the months of January, March, and April you successfully launch two applications and have the following running in your account: an Eco Dynos plan ($5 for 1000 dyno hours/month) and one Mini Heroku Postgres database ($5/month) that together are worth a total of $10 USD
- You check your platform credits in April and view that $117 USD platform credits are remaining
Platform credits will be deducted from your total allocation balance at a rate of $13 per month. This is regardless of whether or not you have used $13 worth of Heroku services during the month.