Legacy Add-on APIs End of Life FAQ

What are we announcing?

What are the current versions of the legacy APIs?

How do I check which version of the Add-on Partner API my add-on uses?

There are two ways to check:

  1. Follow these steps to pull an up to date copy of your add-on manifest and check the "version" attribute.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab in Partner Portal: https://addons-next.heroku.com/addons/<your add-on slug>/settings. Scroll to the Provisioning API section and check the Provisioning API field.

Note: Setting "version": 3 on your add-on manifest alone will not update the API version your add-on service uses. Follow the instructions below to migrate.

How do I check if my add-on uses the Add-on Partner App Info API?

If your add-on uses Add-on Partner API v1, then it also uses Add-on Partner App Info API. Migrating from v1 to v3 of the Add-on Partner API is a prerequisite to using the Platform API for Partners.

If your add-on uses Add-on Partner API v3, carefully review your add-on service's codebases for requests made to this endpoint namespace: https://api.heroku.com/vendor. The vendor namespace on the URL means there is Add-on Partner App Info API usage.

How do I migrate?

  • If your add-on uses Add-on Partner API v1, follow the steps in this article to migrate to Add-on Partner API v3.
  • If your add-on uses Add-on Partner App Info API, follow the steps in this article to migrate to Platform API for Partners.

Why is Heroku deprecating the legacy versions of these APIs?

As part of our continued effort to prioritize security innovation, we're deprecating Add-on Partner App Info API in favor of Platform API for Partners. Requests made to Platform API for Partners are scoped to a single add-on resource, which provides greater protection to our shared customers' data. We're deprecating Add-on Partner API v1 because v3 is a prerequisite to using Platform API for Partners.

We have also added a new /apps endpoint to addons.heroku.com API V3 that will enable you to get a full list of apps where your add-on is installed. Previously you needed to use Add-on Partner App Info API to get this list.

What happens if I don't migrate my add-on to the latest API versions?

  • On 7/3/23, we removed add-ons that had not yet migrated from the marketplace.
  • On 10/2/23, we'll send a 60 day deprovision notice to app owners and collaborators of apps where your add-on is installed.
  • On 12/4/23, we'll deprovision your add-on from customer apps and remove the legacy API endpoints from our codebases.

Where can I get help with questions?

Please open a support ticket.

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