How do Eco dyno hours work?

The Eco dynos plan provides 1000 dyno hours that are shared by all your Eco dynos in your account.

For example, if you run one Eco dyno in a review app for 5 seconds and another Eco dyno for your staging app for 7 minutes this month, you will have 999 hours, 52 minutes and 55 seconds remaining in your dyno hour pool for the month.

Dyno Sleeping

Eco dynos sleep after a period of inactivity. Dyno hours aren't consumed while sleeping.

  • If an app has an Eco web dyno, and that dyno receives no web traffic in a 30-minute period, it sleeps. In addition to the web dyno sleeping, if you have an Eco worker dyno, it also sleeps.
  • If a sleeping web dyno receives web traffic, and your account has dyno hours available, the dyno becomes active again after a short delay.
  • Apps that only use an Eco worker dyno don't sleep, because they don't respond to web requests.

Exhausting Dyno Hours

After using up your monthly dyno hours, your Eco dynos sleep until the next calendar month when your pool of dyno hours resets. If you need your apps to be up and running, you can upgrade to a Hobby or Basic dyno ($0.01/hr). You can't buy additional Eco dyno hours.

Collaborating on Apps Using Eco Dynos

If you're a collaborator on someone else's app or pipeline, Heroku counts the dyno usage against the app owner's Eco dyno hours, not yours. You don't have to subscribe to Eco as a collaborator before you can scale up Eco dynos on that app, but the app owner does.

See our blog post and the Low-Cost Plans FAQ for more info related to our new plans.

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