I see a "Heroku marked free databases for deletion" banner in the dashboard. Does this apply to me?

The Heroku marked free databases for deletion banner that you're seeing on the dashboard is shown to all of our customers, except for Enterprise Teams. This banner raises awareness that hobby-dev (free) Heroku Postgres and Heroku Redis instances are no longer available and existing hobby-dev databases are queued for deletion from our platform.

If you currently have a hobby-dev (free) Heroku Postgres/Heroku Redis database, upgrade it to a paid plan as soon as possible.

If you previously had a hobby-dev (free) Heroku Postgres/Heroku Redis database that was deleted by the platform on Nov 28th, 2022 or later and want to restore that data, contact Support. Provision a new Mini or Basic database on the app you want the database to be restored to and provide Support with the new attachment name.

If you have already upgraded your free database to a paid plan, you can safely ignore the message.

If you were not using any free Heroku data add-ons, you can safely ignore the message.


Why is my app down?

How can I check my current database plan?

  • From the CLI, you can run heroku pg -a <app-name> for Heroku Postgres and heroku redis -a <app-name> for Heroku Redis to check your databases' plans.
  • From the dashboard, you can go to the Overview tab for the app and check the Installed add-ons section or go to the Resources tab to view details for installed add-ons.

I already upgraded my database to a paid plan but I still see the banner. Is my data still queued for deletion?

  • If you've already upgraded your database to a paid plan, you can safely ignore the banner. No further action is needed from your end and your data is no longer queued for deletion.

Will Heroku be automatically upgrading free databases?

I'm using a free third-party database. Do I need to upgrade it?

Does this impact Heroku account data?

  • No, this only pertains to data stored on hobby-dev (free) Heroku Postgres and Heroku Redis instances.

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