What should I do if I can't log into my Heroku account?


You're attempting to log in to your account but are receiving the error:: There was a problem with your login.


This error can occur when signing in when an email/password combination are not correct. Here are some steps you can follow to ensure you're logging in using valid credentials:

  1. Double check that you've typed your email address correctly
  2. Double check that there are no typos in your password as well
  3. Reset your password and try logging in with the new password
  4. Try using a different email address
  5. Try using an email alias with a plus sign if you might have signed up using an alias such as foobar+1@gmail.com instead of just foobar@gmail.com
  6. Confirm that your account hasn't been closed due to delinquency

Additional resources

For more information regarding account suspension, we recommend the following resources:

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